About Us

FAMBRAS HALAL Certification is a company with more than 40 years of history


FAMBRAS HALAL LTDA Certification is a company with more than 40 years of history, which acts as an Organism of Halal Certification for products in Latin America. All the know-how acquired in those years of work, was started by the Federation of Muslim Associations in Brazil, destined today to the social (which includes cultural and educational projects) and religious part.
FAMBRAS HALAL is the biggest certifier of Halal products and services in Latin America, and it was the pioneer in implementation the Halal System in Brazil, following the main international standards such as:

FSSC 22000, ISO 227164, GMP and Animal Welfare;

Standards of Islamic Asia: Malaysian Standard (Malaysia) MS 1900, MS 1500, MS 2300 and MS 2424;

KEPKABAN BPJPH (Indonesian) - number 20: 2023, PEPRES BPJPH - number 6: 2023, KEPKABAN BPJPH - number 77: 2023; KEPKABAN BPJPH - number 78: 2023 and KMA BPJPH Number 748: 2021;

OIC/SMIIC 1: 2019 and OIC/SMIIC 2: 2019 (Turkey);

GSO 2055-2, GSO 2055-1, GSO 993 and GSO 2055-4 (Gulf countries);

UAES 2055-2:2015, UAES 2055-4:2015, UAE.S 2055-1:2016 and UAE.S 993:2022 – MOIAT (United Arab Emirates).

In 2017, it has won the accreditation for its Quality Management System, which is based on ISO 17065 and GSO 2055-2 standards, being once again the pioneer all over Latin America.
FAMBRAS HALAL is a solid and financially stable company, and this stability comes from the financial contribution of the partners and, mainly, from the resources generated by its certification activity.

With the resources generated through the services of Halal certification, FAMBRAS HALAL contributes in the creation of employment, benefiting more than 1000 families and destines part of its profits to social actions and charity through FAMBRAS ORG. (www.fambras.org.br).
FAMBRAS HALAL headquarters is located in São Paulo - Brazil, and has branches in Argentina, Colombia and Paraguay.


FAMBRAS HALAL Certification Ltda. has as principle to seek knowledge from bases founded in the Holy Quran, in the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) and in science, thus ensuring lawful and safe products for the world Muslim community and for all those who wish to consume honest and quality products. 

We always seek to evolve technically from the Islamic teachings and the main international rules related to Halal, ensuring safety and quality of certification, through the independence and impartiality of the services provided.

The focus on continuous improvement is part of the ideals of FAMBRAS HALAL, so we are always committed to certify in the most efficient way, to bring the best Halal product to consumers around the world. 

It was narrated by Anas Bin Malik that God's Messenger said: "The pursuit of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim”.

(Sunan Ibn Majah, book of the Sunna, Hadith number 224, classified as Sahih by Allama Albani).


• To audit, inspect and supervise the Brazilian and Latin American products certified by FAMBRAS HALAL for global muslim consumers, ensuring the applicability of Halal standards required by Islamic and non-Islamic governmental bodies;

• Ensure perfect compliance with the principles and specific rules for Halal production;

• Promote the integration of the production chain, seeking to increase the Brazilian export market for Islamic peoples.


Through our global recognition, we seek to contribute to the growth and strengthening of Brazilian industries in the Halal market.


Seek continuous improvement to meet the needs of our customers and our international accreditors with excellence.


Faith: is a word that means "trust", "credibility". The first and most important pillar of Islam rests on the testimony of faith (the shahadah), which is the belief that there is only one deity worthy of worship, and that is Allah (God), and the testimony that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) is His servant and messenger.

Testemunho que só existe uma divindade digna de adoração e testemunho que Mohamad é Seu servi e mensageiro

The testimony of faith is arguably the most important aspect of the religion of Islam, upon which the entire religion is built. In Islam, no worship should be directed to anyone else except Allah. It is a way of life in which a person obeys and worships the commands of Allah and no one else.

Respect: not to discriminate, offend or prevent a person from making their own choices. Just as it is an obligation of every Muslim, we at FAMBRAS HALAL respect all cultures, religions, ethnicities and other individualities related to others.


Impartiality: FAMBRAS HALAL is responsible for the impartiality of its certification activities and does not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise the impartiality of its staff.


Commitment and Integrity: FAMBRAS HALAL is committed to guarantee legal products, safe, continuous improvement of its services and Halal certificates to the world muslim community and to all of those who wish to consume honest and quality products.


Honesty and Transparency: Quality of being true: not to lie, not to fraud, not to deceive, not to omit, not to dissimulate and to be clear in your words and attitudes. These are indispensable characteristics for FAMBRAS HALAL, both with its employees and customers.

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